Helping Companions

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Easy going and loves to try new things

I have been a child and youth counsellor for over 10 years. I love meeting new people and trying new things. I love to cook asian food especially sushi. I learned because of my daughter. I love to travel, but now I do mostly mini vacations. I am a bit of a nerd. I love comics and games and helping people.


  • Are You Comfortable With PetsYes
  • Minimum Time Per Visit 2 Hours
  • Smoking?Prefer To Not Be Around Smoking
  • How Would You Rate Your Physical Endurance?Enjoy Short Walks
  • Vulnerable Sector Police CheckYes, I Have One Ready To Submit

Type of Companionship

  • Teaching New Skills
  • Enriching Activities
  • Helpful Tasks
  • Home Visits
  • Virtual Companion
  • Phone Check-Ins
  • Physical Activities

Language Preference


Share Relevant Certifications or Training (e.g. first aid, nursing, counseling)

Child Youth Worker - 3 year advanced diploma - Algonquin

What Kind Of Activities, Hobbies Or Interests Do You Enjoy

Making wine and beer. Cooking and challenging my skills with various cuisines and teaching sushi. Video games. Walking and great conversations

Are There Specific Skills Or Knowledge You'd Like To Share?

I was a retirement home activities director. Making sushi, wine and beer.

What Is Your Preferred Time For Visit?

  • Morning
  • Afternoon
  • Evening

What Areas Of The City Can Your Provide Companionship?

East end and downtown

Any Health Concerns That Could Limit Your Ability To Perform Certain Types Of Assistance

Back issues limit heavy lifting.

What Light Tasks Are You Available To Help With? (dog walking, shopping etc)

  • Meal Preparation / Cooking
  • Shopping
  • Running Errands
  • Walks / Light Exercise
  • Pet Care / Walking
  • Technology Assistance
  • House Cleaning
  • Laundry
  • Bed Care
  • Hair Care
  • Foot Care
  • Nail Care
  • Yard Work
  • Home Repairs
  • Crafting / Art
  • Short Trips
  • Cognitive Exercises
  • Additional Tasks (noted below)


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    per hour of companionship